Fuel Poverty Awareness Day & Coventry Big Energy Saving Week – part I.

Today is national Fuel Poverty Awareness Day. This is a national day of awareness organised by National Energy Action (NEA); a national charity focused on challenging fuel poverty.


National Energy Action estimates 6.7 million households are currently in the grip of fuel poverty. This follows a 130% increase to gas prices over the last 18 months.

If, and when, the average energy bill reaches £3,000 next year the NEA estimates 8.4 million households will be in fuel poverty.

This will be despite Government cost-of-living payments which do not extend to high-usage, low-income households, including many with medical conditions.

Rising energy bills, historically high levels of inflation, higher rents and higher fuel prices mean millions of families are now struggling to afford the basics they need to live their lives and raise their children.

The NEA, and others, are hearing stories of elderly and vulnerable people taking desperate steps such as riding on buses or going to libraries to reduce their energy usage at home and to keep warm. People with medical conditions are scared they will not be able to keep their medical equipment running.

The objective of Fuel Poverty Awareness Day is to bring these messages to those for whom an increase in their energy bills, even a substantial one, is merely an inconvenience. For others, substantially increased fuel prices can mean the difference between life and death.

As the NEA note:

  • If you have a long-term illness or disability you are 50% more likely to be living in fuel poverty.
  • Adolescents growing up cold face stigmatisation, social isolation, and feelings of helplessness which can negatively impact on educational attainment and social mobility.
  • Around 10,000 more people die across the UK every winter from cold homes.
  • In a typical winter 30% of excess winter deaths are related to cold homes.

The need to continue the fight against fuel poverty will continue beyond today. In Coventry, we intend to use this day to launch our own ‘Big Energy Saving Week – part I’. This will focus on the value for suitable clients of signing up to the Priority Services Register, the need to ventilate homes to avoid unhealthy mould, a discussion of the value of supplier switching and smart meter installation during this difficult time, and more.

To find out more about Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, and what the NEA thinks the government can do to further alleviate the prospect of vulnerable households in cold homes this winter, visit https://www.nea.org.uk/who-we-are/nea-campaigns/fpad/ . To follow our local ‘Big Energy Saving Week – part I’ simply follow us on our social media and via this website.

– end.


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